Principles of
Forensic DNA
for Officers of the Court
Main Menu
This is the Principles of Forensic DNA for Officers of the Court training Website. Information addressed in this interactive training program is delivered in fifteen modules:
- Introduction
- Biology of DNA
- Practical Issues Specific to DNA Evidence
- Forensic DNA Laboratory
- Assuring Quality in DNA Testing
- Understanding a Forensic DNA Lab Report
- Statistics and Population Genetics
- Mitochondrial DNA & Other Technologies
- Forensic DNA Databases
- Collection of DNA Evidence
- Pretrial DNA Evidence Issues
- Victim Issues
- Trial Presentation
- Postconviction DNA Cases
- Emerging Trends
If you are a first time user, it is recommended you go through the user guide to familiarize yourself with the program. Click here to go to the user guide.
*** Be aware that, in order to utilize all of the components of each module, the minimum system requirements are Flash 7 and either Internet Explorer 6 or Netscape 7, as well as a set of speakers or headphones. ***
Opinions or points of view expressed in this report represent a consensus of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.