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Partial Matches

FBI Interim Plan for Partial Matches

In October 2009, the FBI implemented an Interim Plan to permit states to pursue partial matches identified at the NDIS level, in accordance with their jurisdiction’s rules and regulations.1 State regulations for partial matches, according to a 2009 survey of state laboratories conducted by Natalie Ram, vary greatly across the nation.5 Of the responding states, 12 had policies that were unwritten, while 14 had them written only in DNA laboratory manuals. Massachusetts is one state that has authored administrative codes on partial match protocols, and New York has recently developed their own policy.5 Some states have tried to allow the use of partial matches legislatively, including Indiana and West Virginia, but the measures did not pass.5

1 Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods Ad Hoc Committee on Partial Matches: SWGDAM Recommendations to the FBI Director on the “Interim Plan for the Release of Information in the Event of a ‘Partial Match’ at NDIS”, Forensic Science Communications October 2009, Volume 11, Number 4.
5 Center for American Progress, Science Progress: DNA Confidential PDF download: 168kB • Summary »

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